Wednesday, September 21, 2016

No More Surveys!

Not so long ago I received a phone call.  The caller did not identify themselves only asked if we tested for PSSM1.  I was taken off guard, but responded " we have seen no indication that blanket testing would justify." This call came about during a heated internet discussion regarding the need to test each and every gypsy horse in this country.  Mind you, this is not an every day condition for most breeds.  You may want to read the info at the following link before thinking it is" irresponsible" to not test.

However serious the caller may have been was not evident as she promptly hung up giving me no opportunity to have a discussion.  The group of women who brought this to the table made enough noise that breeders are listing the results on their sale ads and the GVHS registry for Gypsy Vanner Horses has included the test as an option for their members.  Good you say and I agree, but having been breeding GVHs for the past 16 years and seeing no symptoms, I still think it is a far cry from" irresponsible". I would be more concerned for the potential of harm done attempting to produce pretty colors with little regard for proper conformation and typical sweet disposition.

So we might move forward and smooth what ever ill feelings the caller may have, we tested the two 2015 foals for pssm1....negative and negative!  I will post this on our face book pages and tweet the link often .....Just don't bother calling me with anymore surveys!

Monday, August 8, 2016

The Importance of Reward by Courtney King Dye reprint from Dressage Training Online

The Importance of Reward by Courtney King Dye

The Importance of Reward, by Courtney King Dye
In beginning the process of writing my articles, I found that I'm always stipulating that a rider reward the horse, so I want to dedicate an entire article to stressing its importance.
If you think about how training must seem to the horse, we're fairly constantly telling him no, that's wrong, more of this, not so much of that. We need to balance that out with, yes, that's right, good effort, you're on the right track, or the horse has no incentive to try. He'll just think, no matter what I do, I can't get it right, so why try? Most horse's want to please--they're rather amazing creatures that way--but I've had a couple who've already written the rider's opinion off as unimportant. With those horses, reward is especially necessary...not little scratches on the neck or small good boys, but huge pats and loud rewards. I often say love him! Make him feel like a star! Like people, it's an extremely rare horse who won't then want to be told he's a star. I remember riding around Lendon's ring on one such horse and her saying to her students, "Courtney's annoying to ride with, but boy do her horses try!"
My rule for my students is to be equally as generous with their rewards as they are strict with their corrections. Most of the time, only really good deserves a reward, but that's if a horse should know what's being asked for. For instance, if a horse knows pirouette canter, the rider should demand perfection, but if the horse is just learning pirouette canter, she needs to reward him for trying, to say, yes, you're on the right track. Then the next time, the horse may try that response more.
In bringing a horse along, reward is important to encourage the horse in the learning process, but it's equally as important with a trained horse. I often talk about respecting the horse, and this is one way a rider shows respect. It's like a boss of a company telling a worker good shows that he appreciates the hard work, and that gives the worker a sense of accomplishment and makes him want to do a good job the next time. In the portion of my book this article stems from, I talk about getting Idy, who was already a proven Grand Prix horse, out of a grouchy faze by rewarding him; he got happy and tried again because he appreciated the appreciation.
One thing that often happens when a rider rewards the horse is that they give everything away and lose the quality of their work. This shouldn't happen. One arm can just reach forward and give a little pat or scratch without loosening the other rein, and when a big reward is needed, the core still remains strong. I normally tell students to pat with the inside hand, which makes the inside rein loose, because I want them to be able to do all work with no inside rein--for the bend to come from the inside leg pushing to the outside rein--but the pat should really come from whichever rein the horse wants to lean on to make him associate carrying himself on that side with reward.
A mistake I often see when I'm teaching is that the reward comes at the wrong time. For instance, the rider gets after the horse for being behind the leg, the  horse bolts forward--which is the correct response to the leg or whip--the rider brings them back, then gives the reward. If done in this way, the horse may think he's being rewarded for coming back when he should be rewarded for the forward response. The reward should be given when the horse is galloping forward. It doesn't matter if he's bucking, picks up the wrong lead, cross-canters or is just generally spazzy, the rider should give him several pats and good boys (within safety) when he's going forward.
A couple things I'm often asked about are 1. is voice ever enough, and 2. should I use sugar cubes. For the first one, voice can be enough if the horse knows the movement he's being asked for very well and he consistently performs it well. It's like the example I gave of the boss of a company telling a worker well done: it just says good job; it's not celebrating how fantastic the horse's efforts were or congratulating him on figuring something out.
As far as sugar cubes, I've only ever used them for two things: to get a horse to stay still at the mounting block or convince him to let me get on, and for piaffe on the ground. For anything on the horse's back, I feel it takes too long to stop, get a cube out and lean over to give it, and as I said above, I think it's important to reward the horse immediately after he's done something special.

Saturday, July 30, 2016

The Summer of 2016!

This is the summer of 2016, and it has been really uncomfortable weather wise.  Politically as well, for what it is worth.  We have managed to keep everything moving forward in spite of limited man power.  That said, it has all been women power!

Just an update for now.  CHF Fitzwilly is home after eight months of hard work finding his rhythm. For what ever reasons, and it was quite clearly explained in our Parelli Horsenality report, he needed an every day job. Since David's recover did not allow time for that, he has been working in Kansas and I am happy to say, he is settled and steady as a driving horse should be.

Talbot's Cracker will not be going to the August show with us due to an injury.  He does not like being cooped up but that will have to be his routine for the next week or so. Don't fret too much, he has company in his son, Willy.

Also in the barn are two fillies, CHF Simon's Isabella and CHF Mischa, learning some manners, while being introduced to our driving commands.....such as WHOA!  We are on day two and I must say, Isabella is feisty where as, Mischa is so smart it is scary.  We reached same level of understanding in two days for our feisty one that took Mischa just one.  Will keep you posted on these two.

CHF Hobbs is such a sweet yearling and hopefully our next stallion.  A son of 16 year old Talbot's Sparky, he is brave, curious, willing.......and on and on I could go.  He has been in and out of barn and takes it all in stride...seriously! Love him!

Under saddle now are Mom and Daughter, Producer's Heiress and Lady Teagan.  Thought very different they are both typical of Tom Price's breeding, great to work with and conformationally very spot on.  Too hot recently to continue with heavy work so have returned to pasture till cooler weather returns.

Last but not least, CHF Shady Lady has returned to Chocolate Horse Farm.  Now four years old, a petite lass, Shady is nicknamed Sophie and is a doll to work with.  Though handled very little, she is a super quick study and we have enjoyed getting to know her.

Till the next time, cheerio!

Saturday, March 12, 2016

Horses of a different.....kind!

The equine is often depicted in art and so I took this shot at Halloween of these two special equine.  I love the creativity of the human when it is put to good use.