Friday, January 22, 2021

2021 is Here!

 2021 IS HERE~

Yes, it is indeed here and not much has changed.  Even though there has been a regrettable change in the White House, the sounds coming from politicians have changed very little, if at all.  In fact, they seem to be more vindictive and derisive than ever.  Our new President speaks out of both sides of his mouth, lives a hypocritical life as a Catholic, and is possibly just a stand in for powers far more evil than he can imagine.  We must hope and pray for peace, common sense, rational thinking, and less of those seeking power via government.  It will take time since we failed at the ballet box, so join with me in prayer, our only real power.  

The farm continues in a much more normal fashion than the outside world.  One weanling and two to come are dedicated to a life of service to those in need of help, be it physical or emotional therapy.  We have always had a heart for the challenged among us and believe by participating we help to make a difference.  What will you be doing to make our world a bit better in the new year??

Dear Father,

Please look upon this country encouraging the good to pray often for the return of the country our forefathers imagined and laid the foundation for.  Return us to a place of religious freedom, of generosity toward our fellow man, of rules designed to provide for the common good, respect for life including the unborn, the elderly, the terminally ill...all life is sacred. Create in your people a clean heart worthy of forgiveness.  Amen

Thursday, May 23, 2019

David Lincoln Dunbar

David was an adventurer, a kind, generous, loving man.  He loved 'chocolate' and horses; hence, the name of Chocolate Horse Farm! He was the grease in the wheels of this farm, the inspiration that wanted the world to know about this special breed, the Gypsy Vanner.  Not caring what it was called, he was kind and willing to talk to anyone with a question.  He sought to unite rather than divide, to encourage, to set an example that would cause others to believe in themselves....if he can do it, then, just maybe, so can I!  He approached his biggest challenge, his cancer journey, with the same energy and optimism as he lived his life. I am sure he is flying high with the Angels and smiling down on us waving us on .....with his smile and enthusiasm....yes, you can do it.  What ever that is.

Till we meet again.  Cheers.


Versatility the perfect definition for the Gypsy Vanner Horse.  Though bred and used by the Travelling community overseas, they are so smart, there isn't much they cannot do.  Bonding so easily with their human companions, we are reminded of the Arabian Horse that slept in the Bedouin tents and provided them with an early warning system due to their keen eyesight.  The Gypsy is kind, willing, and very smart.  They can be seen at many state fairs, breed shows, and on the farm.  

"Drive On Vanners" by Mark J. Barrett

Saturday, January 19, 2019

Happy Guy!

We frequented the coffee shop known as the Crazy Redheads, enjoyed the friendships that grew over conversation and  coffee.  My happy guy.